Eleven school districts will share $189,140 in state funding to purchase Oregon-grown food and implement garden-based education programs in their schools.
The Oregon Department of Education has announced it has awarded 11 Oregon school districts $189,140 in grants for farm-to-school and school-garden programs.
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council modified its purpose and need statement regarding Gulf of Alaska trawl fleet bycatch at its Portland meeting, and asked for an expanded discussion paper on those issues.
Sweeping across the globe is a system that slowly and steadily hands over a $400 billion ocean fishing industry to corporations. The system, called catch shares, in most cases favors large fishing fleets, a review of the systems operating across the United States shows.
Ecotrust, an agency working to build a robust regional food system, and Edible Portland have teamed up to honor the outstanding farms, restaurants, nonprofits and businesses at the annual event.
Conservation and community development organization Ecotrust will hold a benefit this Thursday, March 21, where they’ll present awards to Portland’s “Local Food Heroes.”
Edible Portland, a magazine published by environmental nonprofit Ecotrust, holds a Local Food Hero contest every year to recognize businesses that go the extra mile for social, environmental and economic sustainability.
Ecotrust, the groundbreaking Portland-based environmental and economic development nonprofit, is in the business of backing disruptive innovations that help the planet.