Sara Pietka

Vice President of Community Investments

Sara’s last day at Ecotrust was April 5, 2024.

I develop Ecotrust Community Development Entity (CDE)’s New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) strategy and oversee all CDE operations including deal sourcing, allocation deployment, and portfolio management, in addition to leading the annual NMTC application process. With over a decade of experience in analyzing, underwriting, and structuring complex transactions in the real estate and community development sectors, I’ve cultivated a passion of expanding economic opportunity with inclusion as a core principle—shifting capital to shift power. I am a third-generation Oregonian currently re-discovering the Pacific Northwest through my children’s eyes.

Pronouns: she/her

Ecotrust Teams:


Sara Pietka shares perspectives on assessing potential New Markets Tax Credit investments within our “3E” framework of equity, economy, and the environment in a recent issue of Novogradac’s Journal of Tax Credits.

Featured Projects

Mobilizing New Markets Tax Credits for projects that strengthen climate resilience, intergenerational wealth-building, and lands and waters stewardship.