In partnership with the University of Washington, Ecotrust recently published a peer-reviewed study titled “Tradeoffs in Timber, Carbon and Cash Flow under Alternative Management Systems for Douglas-Fir in the Pacific Northwest,” which analyzes the carbon storage potential of FSC-certified forests in Washington and Oregon.
The Russell Family Foundation’s journey to align its $141 million endowment with its philanthropic mission began with a contradiction: Does an environmental foundation undermine its grants to improve water quality by investing in businesses that pollute local waterways?
For four days, participants of Hoonah’s second annual culture camp traveled to this site at Freshwater Bay and immersed themselves in Tlingit culture, language and traditional activities.
In a twist on the old adage: “It’s seeing the forest for the trees,” EFM, a privately-held forestland investment and management company, is making a positive environmental, social and financial impact through its sustainable, climate-smart strategies.
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) continues its work to support regional collaborative efforts through access to ocean data and information via the Mid-Atlantic Portal.
A profile of Jennifer Whitaker, relationship connector for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), where she works to inspire change around protecting forests locally and around the world. Ecotrust is proud to be a partner.
The $113 million spent on cleaning up the Milltown area is estimated to have resulted in more than 3,500 jobs, according to a 2009 study by the Montana Department of Labor and Industry.
The author explores the landscape of his youth, documenting the various partnerships that have worked to restore natural systems and support coastal communities.
Our meat eating habits, no longer a matter of basic sustenance, have become ethically fraught, deeply personal questions: Money. Health. Animal welfare. Environmental impact. Here, five American eaters navigate their way through the messy middle.
A 2016 study funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation that tested consumer preferences for fresh black cod and coho salmon vs. frozen (both bought at retail) found that the frozen fish, simply baked, were both rated superior or equal to their fresh counterparts.
Lyf Gildersleeve, owner of Flying Fish Company, a sustainable seafood retailer in Providore Fine Foods, wrote this guest post for the Marine Fish Conservation Network, a coalition of fishermen, conservationists, scientists and citizens around a mission to conserve and revitalize wild ocean fisheries.