Soul food in southeast Alaska

Flat salt water bay with view flanked by buildings on stilts over the water at image's left and right. Ahead a small island full of evergreens and low rounded mountains blue with white snowcaps. Varied grey sky

STAFF VOICES | “When I hear the words ‘Soul Food,’ I don’t think Louisiana, I think Alaska,” Miakah Nix says.

An organic reformation?

Close-up on hands holding freshly pulled turnips covered in dirt

STAFF VOICES | Our head of Food and Farms reports on what she learned this year at EcoFarm, the Ecological Farming Association conference that has flowered annually in California since 1981.

New connections in our fibershed

Older white woman with white hair shears a black and white goat with long shaggy hair.

STAFF VOICES | There is a growing interest in a regionally-based, responsible fiber economy. And the challenges of scale mirror those in food.