A groundbreaking campus takes shape
PROGRAM UPDATE | Groundbreaking at Redd East signals the green light for the next phase of development on the two-block campus
Fresh views from Sitka Sedge
ECOTRUST UPDATE | In 2014, Ecotrust assisted in securing permanent conservation for one of Oregon’s last intact coastal estuaries. Now, our newest state park.
From land and sea to chef and table
PARTNER VOICES |Nate Rispler of Wilder Land & Sea reflects on his experience at the Redd and how he helped launch Portland’s signature meat and seafood distribution company.
Guiding principles for bringing about the change we seek
ECOTRUST UPDATE | Our core values drive our decision-making, inform our strategy and more
The uncertain future of Oregon’s farmland
PARTNER VOICES | The tidal wave of farmland transition isn’t coming – we’re in the middle of it
Four simple steps for better seafood choices
FEATURE | Eating responsibly harvested seafood connects us to ocean ecosystems and the people who depend on them.
Better than best: Betsy’s Bar None
PARTNER VOICES | Redd tenant Betsy Langton shares her experiences as a first-time businesswoman and the inspiration that launched her product.
Tribes respond: Atlantic salmon in the Salish Sea
FEATURE | Tribes around the Puget Sound have long objected to Atlantic salmon being farmed in the Salish Sea. An incident last August shows us why.
An organic reformation?
STAFF VOICES | Our head of Food and Farms reports on what she learned this year at EcoFarm, the Ecological Farming Association conference that has flowered annually in California since 1981.
Change starts here
ECOTRUST UPDATE | In a time of social unrest, environmental upheaval, and economic uncertainty, our mission matters more now than ever.
New connections in our fibershed
STAFF VOICES | There is a growing interest in a regionally-based, responsible fiber economy. And the challenges of scale mirror those in food.
Building a food system grounded in justice
PARTNER VOICES | Ricardo Salvador challenges us to consider the colonial, racist, and extractive underpinnings of our current food system. And to act.
An illuminating affair
PHOTO ESSAY | Light Up the Redd will go down as a highlight in our journey toward a healthy and equitable food future.
Under water, on fire: Waking up to a new climate reality
STAFF VOICES | In the latest string of extreme natural disasters, we are all made living witnesses to a new geological epoch.
Taking a fresh look at frozen fish
ECOTRUST UPDATE | Ecotrust joined the OSU Food Innovation Center and Seafood Analytics to test consumer preference and quality of fresh v. frozen fish.
Wanted: Jobs, infrastructure, equity
ECOTRUST UPDATE | Everyone wants greener cities and good jobs. But not everyone has access.
Ricardo Salvador calls for food justice
PARTNER VOICES | Join us for an inspirational evening at Light Up the Redd on Thursday, October 5 with keynote speaker Ricardo Salvador
Centering frontline communities
ECOTRUST UPDATE | This year, we endorsed the People’s Climate Movement to support the power shift from dominant-culture to frontline community leadership.
Remembering Ray Hollander
IN MEMORIAM | Ray’s legacy at Ecotrust found its roots in the deep caring that he felt for his coworkers.
Don’t call it climate change
PARTNER VOICES | On Thursday, April 20, we welcomed best-selling author, environmentalist, entrepreneur, and climate advocate Paul Hawken to present Drawdown
Biomimicry and the Urban Greenprint Seedkit
PARTNER VOICES | Urban Greenprint contributes this piece on looking to biomimicry to inform building nature-forward urban environments
Creating jobs and building equity in the urban forest
STAFF VOICES | A new report by Ecotrust and PolicyLink shows economic and social benefit of increasing equity in the growing green infrastructure industry.
Three things to watch as tall wood buildings rise in the Northwest
STAFF VOICES | A closer look at opportunities in the burgeoning Cross Laminated Timber market
Forests and farms thriving together
ECOTRUST UPDATE | An all-lands management approach and deep commitment to collaboration guide business in the heart of the Olympic Peninsula
10 things to know about the Elliott State Forest sale
STAFF VOICES | We believe the Elliott State Forest is an invaluable cultural and conservation resource that should be in public or tribal ownership
Culture trumps data: A new myth for our planet
STAFF VOICES | The story of our bioregion is real, immediate, and fundamentally hopeful.
Following cultural lifeways
PARTNER VOICES | Oregon Poet Laureate and former Ecotruster, Liz Woody, shared this poem at our 25th anniversary celebration – Roots at the Redd
Honoring Dave Hatch
IN MEMORIAM | Remembering Dave Hatch, a longtime friend, partner, and advocate for Native communities
What’s new in Food and Farms
ECOTRUST UPDATE | FoodCorps moves into the Redd, we tell everyone that Farm to School Counts, and Stanford Social Innovation Review talks about our work
Elizabeth Woody, Oregon’s Voice
PARTNER VOICES | Elizabeth Woody, formerly of Ecotrust, will focus her tenure as Oregon’s first Native American Poet Laureate on rural communities
Forging a future economy with equity at its heart
PARTNER VOICES | Van Jones speaks at Portland State University on the essential connection between the environment, social justice, and the economy
Rebuilding home: A story map of Sek-Wet-Se Forest
ECOTRUST UPDATE | This spring, a plan years in the making came to fruition when Ecotrust Forest Management sold 3,200 acres of forestland to the Coquille Tribe
A school district unites around food
PROGRAM UPDATE | Welcome to the Salem-Keizer School District in Oregon, where 40,000 students are eating more healthy, local food and learning in school gardens
Billy Frank, Jr.: River revolutionary
PARTNER VOICES | “That’s who we are. We’re salmon people.”