Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Database
Partnering with Tribes to improve the digital continuity of Indigenous Traditional Knowledge
Institutional Purchasing Pathways
Connecting BIPOC-owned food businesses with hospital food buyers ready to go local
Farm to School
Working with a statewide network to support farm to school programming in Oregon
Farm to Early Care and Education
Nourishing and educating children ages 0-5 in the garden, at the table, and in the classroom
Community Asset Development
Building broadly shared, intergenerational wealth with our region’s communities
California Marine Protected Areas
Community-based approaches to understanding the outcomes of California Marine Protected Areas
BIPOC Farm to Market Program
A training program for farmers and producers who are Black, African, Indigenous, and people of color in the Portland Metro area
Viviane Barnett Fellowship for Food System Leaders
A cohort-based program designed for aspiring and experienced leaders of color working to build equitable, climate-resilient food systems
Why we’re here
ECOTRUST UPDATE | A reflection and programmatic update from our Interim Executive Director, Olivia M. Rebanal
Alan R. Parker (Chippewa Cree) – 1942-2022
IN MEMORIAM | On August 5, 2022, Alan R. Parker walked on
Local Link back in action
PHOTO ESSAY | After a two year hiatus necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we worked with partners to produce Local Link again in 2022
Supporting Latinx Founders
INTERVIEW | Pitch Latinx organizer and founder of Latino Founders, Juan Barraza, shares his hopes for Latinx entrepreneurship in the state and how Latinx-owned businesses are building intergenerational wealth.
U.S. Department of Agriculture awards $25 million to accelerate the Climate-Smart Wood Economy
PROGRAM UPDATE | Sustainable Northwest wins significant funding on a proposal to build the Climate Smart Wood Economy. We are excited to join a group of nonprofit and tribal partners in the Pacific Northwest on this effort
From acknowledgement to action
STAFF VOICES | In place of a land acknowledgement, Ecotrust staff are asking you to support Indigenous communities by taking action
Announcing our interim co-executive directorship
ECOTRUST UPDATE | We’re excited to announce Kevin Bumatay and Olivia Rebanal as our Interim Co-Executive Directors!
Michelle Week, 2022 Indigenous Leadership Awardee
PARTNER VOICES | Learn more about Michelle Week, a recipient of the 2022 Indigenous Leadership Award
A toast to Jeremy Barnicle
PHOTO ESSAY | A photo gallery from an in-person staff and board gathering
Julie Kitka, 2022 Indigenous Leadership Awardee
PARTNER VOICES | Learn more about Julie Kitka who is a recipient of the 2022 Indigenous Leadership Award
Moving forward, with hope and gratitude
STAFF VOICES | A departing message from Jeremy Barnicle, Executive Director
Paul Lumley, 2022 Indigenous Leadership Awardee
PARTNER VOICES | Learn more about Paul Lumley, a recipient of the 2022 Indigenous Leadership Award.
Spring Alaska Schreiner, 2022 Indigenous Leadership Awardee
PARTNER VOICES | Learn more about Spring Alaska Schreiner, a recipient of the 2022 Indigenous Leadership Award.
Unequal distribution of climate impacts
and how tribal management is adapting on
the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
INTERVIEW | An interview with Cody Desautel about the impacts of climate change on the Tribes’ forest and economy and how they are responding to threats
Introducing Jaime Arredondo and Alexandria McBride
INTERVIEW | Learn more about two of our board members, Jaime Arredondo and Alexandria McBride
Ecotrust’s office is moving to the Redd
ECOTRUST UPDATE | This spring, Ecotrust’s office is relocating from the Natural Capital Center to the Redd on Salmon Street
Breaking the Chains: Transformative federal legislation and tribal peoples
FEATURE | Recordings and resources for the final of four virtual briefings on Indigenous Leadership with Dave Tovey and Robert Miller presenting.
Termination: The attempt to destroy and the rebuilding of the Siletz Tribes
FEATURE | Recordings and resources from the second of four virtual briefings on Indigenous Leadership.
Negotiating a Future: Indigenous leadership through the ages
FEATURE | Recordings and resources from the first of four virtual briefings about Indigenous leadership with Bobbie Conner and Ron Allen presenting.
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Impacts on Alaska Native communities
FEATURE | Recordings and resources from the third of four virtual briefings on Indigenous Leadership with Nicole Borromeo and Joe Nelson presenting.
Under Secretary Moffitt visits the Redd on Salmon
PROGRAM UPDATE | USDA Under Secretary Jennifer Moffitt visited the Redd on Salmon Street to learn more about our regional food systems work
Building the momentum behind a green workforce
PROGRAM UPDATE | The employers and partner organizations who enrich participants’ experience are critical to the success of the Green Workforce Academy
The Value of Cultural Burning in Forest Management: A Conversation With Gabe Sheoships
INTERVIEW | An interview with Gabe Sheoships, the Executive Director of the Friends of Tryon Creek
One meal at a time: Talking with Chef Andre Uribe
INTERVIEW | A conversation with Chef Andre Uribe about his values and new business endeavor, Sustainable Meals Oregon
On whitebark pine and climate change: A conversation with Michael Durglo, Jr.
PARTNER VOICES | An interview with Mike Durglo, Jr., the Tribal Historic Preservation Office director for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.
Fresh faces
ECOTRUST UPDATE | Learn more about our new Ecotrust team members!
Growing Ag of the Middle Accelerator
PROGRAM UPDATE | A new video explores changes made to the Ag of the Middle Accelerator program to center racial equity
Mapping the Northwest’s working forests
PROGRAM UPDATE | Charting timelines of timber output and carbon sequestration for every county in the Northwest US
Passing the mic
PARTNER VOICES | Rural Reporting Fellow Bethany Goodrich shares how community care, reciprocity, and centering Indigenous voices guide her storytelling.
Introducing Olivia Rebanal
INTERVIEW | Learn more about our first CIO, Olivia M. Rebanal, who has been busy coordinating energies toward our Strategic Plan and building equity-centered processes.
Beyond Hispanic Heritage Month: the rich and varied heritages within ‘Latinx’ identities
STAFF VOICES | Three Ecotrust team members share vulnerably about who they are, their reflections about Latinx Heritage Month, and recommended readings.
Rebuilding Native nations in eastern Oregon
INTERVIEW | A conversation with John David “J.D.” Tovey III, Planning Director for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation