Local Link

Bringing together a growing network committed to building thriving local economies, vibrant urban and rural communities, and equitable access to good food

Farm to School

Working with a statewide network to support farm to school programming in Oregon

BIPOC Farm to Market Program

A training program for farmers and producers who are Black, African, Indigenous, and people of color in the Portland Metro area

Why we’re here

ECOTRUST UPDATE | A reflection and programmatic update from our Interim Executive Director, Olivia M. Rebanal

Local Link back in action

PHOTO ESSAY | After a two year hiatus necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we worked with partners to produce Local Link again in 2022

Supporting Latinx Founders

INTERVIEW | Pitch Latinx organizer and founder of Latino Founders, Juan Barraza, shares his hopes for Latinx entrepreneurship in the state and how Latinx-owned businesses are building intergenerational wealth.

From acknowledgement to action

close up of drum being played with feathered sticks, indigenous community image

STAFF VOICES | In place of a land acknowledgement, Ecotrust staff are asking you to support Indigenous communities by taking action

Fresh faces

A digital illustration of two people shaking hands

ECOTRUST UPDATE | Learn more about our new Ecotrust team members!

Passing the mic

Woman dip net fishing in a river

PARTNER VOICES | Rural Reporting Fellow Bethany Goodrich shares how community care, reciprocity, and centering Indigenous voices guide her storytelling.

Introducing Olivia Rebanal

INTERVIEW | Learn more about our first CIO, Olivia M. Rebanal, who has been busy coordinating energies toward our Strategic Plan and building equity-centered processes.